

Compliance is to meet obligations which are either requirements or commitments an organizsation chooses to comply with. 

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Data Protection

The new data protection era introduced by the European General Data Protection Regulation in 2018 is also the reaction to the actions of technology companies and their collections of private data in particular.

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Cyber Security

Cyber security stands for the protection of networks. The European General Data Protection Regulation and the Swiss Data Protection Act, require that personal data is protected by appropriate technical and organisational measures.

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Sabine Fercher

Sabine has more than ten years of management experience in the introduction and implementation of compliance management systems in globally active companies- including listed companies. Sabine was responsible for the worldwide introduction and implementation of the requirements of the European Data Protection Regulation at a renowned fintech company. The recently acquired Harvard degree in cybersecurity and the implementation of an in-house information security concept form the basis for comprehensive and cost-effective consulting in the sister areas: Compliance, Data Protection and Cybersecurity.

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Xavier Alabart

Xavier has more than two decades of experience as an advisor and program manager in various areas of information management. His training in telecommunications and business administration has taken him through a maze of data-related disciplines: system development, quality management, information governance, records and information management, audit, compliance, information security, privacy and data security. Xavier's knowledge is underpinned by CIPP / E, CIPT, IGP and PMP certifications. His most extensive experience is in healthcare, software development and the financial industry.


With international training and experience in management positions of international companies, Sabine Fercher is an exceptional personality. I am impressed by her ability and prudence to successfully overcome complex challenges.

Dr. Jürgen Pumplün

President Foundation Hirtenkinder and former Director Risk Management UBS AG


Fercher Compliance GmbH
Sabine Fercher
Johannisbergstrasse 68
8645 Jona